learning.understanding.cognition.intelligence.data science

Checklist Instructions

Please download the Checklist and refer to the following instructions to answer any of your questions. If you have any comments or questions please let Caitlin know. Finally, when you have completed this checklist and discussed your progress with your advisor, please upload it to the canvas site. Thank you!

Name: Your name
Primary mentor: Your mentor’s name and Department

Out-of-area mentor: All LUCID trainees are required to have an out-of-area mentor. This should be a faculty mentor on the other side of the computational/behavioral divide (ie, for CS/ECE students, someone in Psych, Ed Psych, or other behavioral field; for Psych and Ed Psych students, someone in CS, Engineering, or other computational field). If you have not identified an out-of-area mentor, use this opportunity to discuss who might fill this role with your primary mentor.

Progress through the program. This section assesses your progress throughout the 4-year duration of the program.

Cross-disciplinary research project. LUCID trainees are expected to complete one basic research project that spans disciplines, typically in collaboration with other trainees. A basic research project is primarily targeted at generating new academic knowledge; typical products include talks, posters, or publications in conferences or refereed scientific journals.

  • Check identified if a topic has been identified but not yet begun, ongoing if the research has commenced but not completer, or completed if at least one such activity has finished. If such a project has not yet been identified, use this opportunity to discuss what project might fill the requirement with your primary and/or out-of-area mentors.
  • Please indicate whether you view this project as relevant to progress toward your primary degree (Y/N)
  • Please note the names of other individuals, besides your primary mentor and out-of-area mentor, with whom you have collaborated on this project. These should be people with whom you have worked or consulted directly and can include (1) other faculty beyond your two mentors, (2) other LUCID trainees, (3) other graduate students or postdocs inside or outside your Department, (4) undergraduate students who have contributed and (5) any external partners (ie people outside the university).
  • Please indicate what products arose from this project. These can include posters, talks or presentations, published papers, video documents, software, web pages, demos, or any other projects. Products can be included on a separate sheet if necessary.

Internship/applied project. LUCID trainees are expected to complete one non-traditional project with an applied focus. This may take the form of an internship with an external partner, a collaborative research project with an applied focus that involves an external partner, development of software or apps with broad potential for application, or other activity outside the trainees principal research program that connects science to some applied problem.

  • Check identified if the topic has been identified but not yet begun, ongoing if the research has commenced but not completed, or completed if at least one such activity has finished. If such a project has not yet been identified, use this opportunity to discuss what project might fill the requirement with your primary and/or out-of-area mentors.
  • Please indicate whether you view this project as relevant to progress toward your primary degree (Y/N)
  • Please note the names of other individuals, besides your primary mentor and out-of-area mentor, with whom you have collaborated on this project. These should be people with whom you have worked or consulted directly can include (1) other faculty beyond your two mentors, (2) other LUCID trainees, (3) other graduate students or postdocs inside or outside your Department, (4) undergraduate students who have contributed and (5) any external partners (ie people outside the university).
  • Please indicate what products arose from this project. These can include posters, talks or presentations, published papers, video documents, software, web pages, demos, or any other projects. Products can be included on a separate sheet if necessary.

Senior mentorship After their second year in the program, LUCID trainees are expected to serve as senior mentors to more junior trainees. Senior mentors interact with their mentees by collaborating on a shared research project and/or making themselves available for consultation on scientific, professional development, or other issues.

  • If you are in your first or second year: You should identify a senior mentor who can serve this role. This person can be another LUCID trainee or other more senior graduate student with whom you regularly interact. If you have identified a senior mentor but not yet interacted with them, check identified. If you have been regularly consulting with your senior mentor, check ongoing. If you have not yet found a senior mentor, use this opportunity to talk with your LUCID faculty mentors to identify a good candidate.
  • If you are past your second year in the LUCID program, you should act as a senior mentor for other LUCID trainees. Check identified if you know who your mentee/s is/are but have not yet interacted with her/him/them; check ongoing if you are regularly meeting/working with at least one mentee (e.g. jointly attending project meetings with others on a team; meeting or communicating regularly on a topic; or being regularly available for consultation). If your mentee completed at least one project with your guidance, check completed. If you have not yet identified a mentee, take this opportunity to discuss with your advisor.

Plan for career pathway. You should be thinking about three career pathways that interest you: Plan A, plan B and plan C. See here for a list of potential careers [insert link to the ones we assessed]. Each pathway will eventually require you to compile a set of documents that will make you competitive for jobs within that sector. By the time you graduate, you should have these materials sorted and ready to go. This section is to encourage you to proactively think about the options available to you and to prepare the necessary materials as you progress through your degree. For plan A, B, and C:

  • Check identified if you know the pathway but are uncertain about how to prepare for job applications in this path
  • Check application package identified if you know what materials you will need to prepare, but have not yet compiled them
  • Check application package prepared if you have compiled all the needed materials to apply for jobs in the pathway

NOTE: We will use these data to determine how to focus professional development activities in coming semesters. We don’t expect trainees to have completed application packages until they are near ready to graduate. Accumulating materials and building your packages as you progress through the program will make this task easier at that time!

Checklist for activities in current semester. This section asks you to indicate your participation in activities that should happen regularly each semester.

  • Primary mentor: Check the box if you met at least once with your primary mentor to discuss LUCID projects
  • Out-of-area mentor: Check the box if you met at least once with your out-of-area mentor to discuss LUCID projects
  • LUCID seminar: Check the box if you regularly attend the LUCID brownbag seminar
  • HAMLET: Check the box if you attended HAMLET at least three times. Use the text box to indicate any thoughts about the seminar: talks of particular interest, talks that were not useful, things you would like to see, format strengths or weaknesses. You may write on a separate page if useful.
  • P3 team: Check the box if you met at least once with your “P3” (project-focused prof-and-peer) team–both mentors and at least one other graduate student involved in a joint project. Use the box to indicate how often such meetings occurred.
  • Committee/community service: Check the box if you served on a LUCID committee or otherwise contributed to the LUCID community via scientific outreach, communication, web development, or other activity. Use the box to indicate the nature of the contribution.
  • Communication activity: Check the box if you completed at least one non-traditional science communication activity. Such activities could include blog posts, developing software or demos, public talks or talks at meetings or seminars outside of your area, making videos about your work, developing an elevator pitch, or anything else outside the usual channels of conferences, papers, and talks to your primary discipline. Use the boxes to briefly name each such activity and to indicate any products (videos, documents, demos, software) that resulted.

Checklist for annual activities. This section asks you to indicate your participation in activities that should happen once per year.

  • Check the box if you gave at least one talk, poster presentation, or other communication to an academic group outside your main discipline, either on campus or at a conference.
  • Check the box if you plan to present your work at the upcoming eLUCID8 conference, to be held August 6-7.

Final comments
Please use this space to inform us about any other elements of your progress you would like us to know.