learning.understanding.cognition.intelligence.data science

UW Collaborative Community

UW Collaborative Community

Many of us are interested in continuing to build collaborations between computational and behavioral scientists at UW. One challenge we have faced is that it is often unclear who (amongst faculty, post-docs, and grad-students) has both relevant expertise and openness to collaborating and/or having cross-disciplinary conversations.

The following is an index of scientists open to meeting with others on topics of current interest.

Don’t see yourself? Respond to this survey to be included here!

Larissa Albantakis, Center for Sleep and Consciousness, Department of Psychiatry

Center for Sleep & Consciousness
Current Research Interest: Consciousness, Causation and Causal Analysis, Information, Complex System Science, (Artificial) Neural Networks
Expertise: Bayesian Models, Large-scale computing, Perception, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Conceptual/Semantic Knowledge, Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition, Causal Analysis, Artificial Evolution

Joseph Austerweil, Psychology & CS (affiliate) Professor, (he/his/him)

Austerweil Lab
Current Research Interest: Semantic cognition, Computational cognitive science, reasoning, knowledge representation
Expertise: Machine Learning, Machine Teaching, Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Models, Perception, Cognitive Psychology, Computational Psychology, Human Learning & Memory, Language, Conceptual/Semantic Knowledge, Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition

Matthew Berland, Curriculum & Instruction Professor

✅ accepting graduate applications
Complex Play Lab
Current Research Interest: Learning sciences, games/play, ai/ml in education.
Expertise: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Human Learning & Memory, Conceptual/Semantic Knowledge

Rahul Chatterjee, Computer Sciences Professor (he/him)

✅ accepting graduate applications
Rahul Chatterjee
Current Research Interest: Computer Security and Human Aspects
Expertise: Security

Dandi Chen, M.S., Population Health PhD Student, (she/her/hers)

Current Research Interest: Optimize health care workflows using electronic health records
Expertise: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Pattern Classification, Health Informatics

Kyle Daruwalla, ECE PhD Student

Current Research Interest: Brain-like models of computers (from a computer engineering perspective)
Expertise: Machine Learning, Neuroscience, Computer Architecture

Michael Gleicher, CS Professor

Current Research Interest: Data Visualization and Robotics
Expertise: Perception, Visualization, Robotics

Ed Hubbard, Educational Psychology Professor

Current Research Interest: educational neuroscience, numerical cognition, multisensory integration, neuroimaging, development
Expertise: Perception, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Reasoning, math, and other higher-order cognition, Educational psychology

Victoria (Tori) Jay, Psychology PhD Student

Current Research Interest: fractions & algebra proficiency/knowledge, strategy flexibility, relational reasoning
Expertise: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition

Priya Kalra, Educational Psychology Postdoc

Current Research Interest: Human abstract & relational reasoning; semantic knowledge organization
Expertise: Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Human Learning & Memory, Conceptual/Semantic Knowledge, Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition

Vishnu Lokhande, Computer Sciences 


PERCIVAL Mattthews, Educational Psychology Professor

✅ accepting graduate applications
Current Research Interest: Math Cognition
Expertise: Cognitive Psychology,Developmental Psychology,Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition

Kushin Mukherjee, Psychology PhD Student

Current Research Interest: Perception, neural networks, visual communication, conceptual generativity
Expertise: Machine Learning, Regression & Regularization, Pattern Classification, Perception,Cognitive Psychology, Computational Psychology, Conceptual/Semantic Knowledge

Rob Nowak, ECE Professor

Current Research Interest: mathematical foundations of machine learning and data science
Expertise: Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Regression & Regularization, Pattern classification & Machine Active learning

Jenny Saffran, Psychology Professor

Infant Learning Lab
Current Research Interest: infant language learning, statistical learning, word learning
Expertise: Human Active learning, Perception, Developmental Psychology, Human learning and memory, Language, Conceptual/Semantic knowledge

Karen Schloss, Psychology and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, (she/her)

Schloss Visual Reasoning Lab
Current Research Interest: generalization of color-concept associations influenced by color distance metrics and cognitive aspects of color similarity
Expertise: Perception, Cognitive Psychology, Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition, Visual Reasoning, Information Visualization, Color Cognition, Perceptual Organization

Sarah Short, Educational Psychology & Center for Healthy Minds, (she/her)

✅ accepting graduate applications
Short Lab
Current Research Interest: Early brain development; executive function; poverty; well-being
Expertise: Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Control/Attention/Working Memory

Siddharth Suresh, Research Specialist/Incoming Psychology PhD student

Current Research Interest: Deep Neural Networks, Visual Awareness, Ensemble Perception
Expertise: Machine Learning, Regression & Regularization, Pattern Classification, Perception, Cognitive Psychology, Computational Psychology

Ramya Korlakai Vinayak, ECE Professor, (she/hers)

✅ accepting graduate applications
Current Research Interest: Machine learning, statistical inference, crowdsourcing, clustering
Expertise: Machine Learning, Regression & Regularization, Pattern Classification, Active Learning, Nonparametric methods

Haley Vlach, Educational Psychology Professor

Vlach Lab
Current Research Interest: children’s cognitive development, such as children’s visual attention, memory, language learning, conceptual development, and higher-order cognition.
Expertise: Human Active Learning, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Human Learning & Memory, Language, Conceptual/Semantic Knowledge, Cognitive Control/Attention/Working Memory, Reasoning/Math and other High-Order Cognition

Emily Ward, Psychology Professor

✅ accepting graduate applications
Visual Cognition Lab
Current Research Interest: visual perception, visual awareness, object recognition, causal perception
Expertise: Machine Learning, Pattern Classification, Perception,Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience