learning.understanding.cognition.intelligence.data science



LUCID Learning Understanding Cognition Intelligence and Data ScienceLUCID is a project-focused cross-disciplinary graduate training program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison that focuses on Learning, Understanding, Cognition, Intelligence, and Data-science.

Its goal is to provide graduate students from Engineering, Computer Science, Psychology and Educational Psychology with hands-on cross-disciplinary training and experience working on problems at the intersection of machine learning, human cognition, and education, and to prepare trainees for both academic and non-academic career paths.

We are interested in inventing tools for making sense of masses of crowd-sourced data; understanding how people learn in laboratory and real-world contexts; helping educators develop and exploit new teaching technologies; and developing strategies for human-machine collaboration.

The LUCID training program enhances traditional graduate training through several additional mechanisms that are designed to promote cross-disciplinary learning and professional development without increasing time to degree. These include: project-focused prof-and-peer mentoring, individualized curriculum development, on- and off-site internships, and outreach.

LUCID is funded by National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program, which is designed to encourage the development and implementation of potentially transformative, and scalable models for STEM graduate education training. NRTs are dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students in high priority interdisciplinary research areas, through a comprehensive traineeship model that is evidence-based, and aligned with broadening participation in STEM.

Watch our LUCID video

What’s on our mind: LUCID Speaks