learning.understanding.cognition.intelligence.data science

Laura Stegner

Credentials: Ph.D. Student, Computer Sciences

Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Robotics
Personal Page: LauraStegner.com
Research Lab Page: Human-Computer Interaction
Mentor: Dr. Bilge Mutlu
I am interested in Human-Robot Interaction and Social Robotics. My current work revolves around developing tools to enable designers to create better human-robot interaction programs. In my first year, I am working on developing a tabletop tangible programming interface that will enable individuals with little programming experience to develop complete, correct social interaction programs to deploy to a robot. The project involves both the technical development of the system, making use of state of the art natural language processing and programming language techniques, and also the evaluation of how people are able to use this system to better design social robotics programs.