eLUCID8 is a conference designed to connect people interested in data science and human behavior, both within and outside the University of Wisconsin-Madison. eLUCID8 provides a venue for presenting or hearing about new research, for …
Spring Schedule HAMLET is posted!
HAMLET (Human, Animal, and Machine Learning: Experiment and Theory) Check out the updated schedule here: HAMLET Did you hear about our brainstorming sessions? This semester we are trying a new format for HAMLET. Speakers pursuing research …
Emotion-Recognizer Demonstration
Interactive Demonstration of the Emotion-Recognizer helps provide an engaged experience and and introduction to applications of machine learning. The Emotion-Recognizer involves using NEXT to map out the space of concepts, simple machine vision tools to …
Minds, Machines & Society
For an encore of CogSci2018 and for those of you unable to attend CogSci2018, the organizers and some incredible keynote speakers have planned a free public event. ‘Minds, Machines & Society’ will be held on …
CogSci 2018 – Why Changing Minds?
On the motivation for this year’s theme and its connection to current events. When we bid to organize CogSci three years ago the global erosion of faith in factual knowledge was already well under way. Scientific …
CogSci2018 is almost here!
In less than two weeks, scientists from all over the world will be coming to Madison for the annual international Cognitive Science Conference, CogSci2018. Madison hosts events all the time so what makes this conference …
THANK YOU to all who contributed to the success of eLUCID8! Data Science and Human Behavior | In the Lab and In the Wild Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Madison, WI August 14th – August 15th, …