As part of our LUCID program, the graduate students meet weekly and discuss topics that are interesting to both the computation and behavioral graduate students. In this video Ayon provides an overview of Machine Learning in …
LUCID Speaks
Apply to LUCID for Fall 2018!
We are currently accepting applications for Fall 2018! Please read at our LUCID overview and diversity statement Details for how to apply to the LUCID program at UW–Madison: 1. Apply to UW-Madison at Graduate School 2. …
Watch Our LUCID Video
Our new LUCID video demonstrates our collaborative learning approach to tackling the real-world projects. This video highlights the LUCID program and focusses on four pedagogical approaches: interdisciplinary groups, practical problems, prof-and-peer mentoring, and science communication.
THANK YOU to all who contributed to the success of eLUCID8! Data Science and Human Behavior | In the Lab and In the Wild Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Madison, WI August 14th – August 15th, …
CogSci 2018 Poster Design Contest for $100
Would you like to see your artwork displayed across the nation and the globe? Support a prestigious international scientific conference? Have a chance to win a cash prize of $100? If so, please submit your …
Rogers explains semantic impairments with neural networks
Using neural networks to understand healthy and disordered semantic cognition In this video Tim Rogers explains how artificial neural networks can help to explain puzzling patterns observed in patients with a rare form of dementia in …
Finding Meaning in Big Data
Discovery Fellows Rebecca Willett and Rob Nowak are creating algorithms to make sense of big data and help machines learn.
How New Yorker Cartoons Could Teach Computers To Be Funny
“The computer models Nowak and his team are developing are called adaptive crowdsourcing algorithms. They attempt to weed out the weakest captions as quickly as possible to get more people to vote on the potential …
Podcasts showcase stories, science and secrets behind UW-Madison research
Imagine getting an intimate sneak peek at the research happening behind the scenes at one of the world’s largest research universities, as well as a glimpse at the human stories behind that research. Did we …
The Science of Funny: Active Machine Learning & Cartoons
The New Yorker is using a machine learning system developed by WID Optimization researchers to sort through captions for their weekly cartoon caption contest.